The aim of the website

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”

Lao Tzu

The aim of the website is to teach you “how to fish” in order to give you all the tools that you need to become more independent.

At the end of the day, you know much more than me what’s going on within you on the tennis court and what you really need. Just Ask to your inner master and listen to it (take some notes straight away !!!) 

My goal is to show you what exists in tennis and human body,  in order to shape your vision about what you really want, week after week.

Then, is to help you to build the tools that you need in order to build your edifice. You choose only what you want.

The beauty of the perception

It’s something very easy. In fact, you can decide to perceive one event in two different ways. Choose, which is the most suitable for you.

it’s what i’ll show you in the module 1 of the method step by step. A similar event can be a fail or success, depending of your point of view. It just depends on your perception. 

To see things differently will influence directly your realization. It means, your play to play (your tennis technique and your actions).

Most of the time we say to ourselves that we are so bad in tennis because of our mental skills. Yes; the mental skills can be the problem but not just because of that.

It comes from your perception in tennis, and your perception from you.

When we shaped our observation, we always see a victory in a fail. 

Our opponent is our teacher.

If we lose, it’s because we did not manage the situations as well as your opponent. As a result, we can see where we had a lack of effectiveness. I truly believe that we learn far more when we lose, rather than when we win.

Perception, way of thinking

Yes i encourage you to fail. And to fail better and better. There is only one rule that must be stick on. Try to don’t repeat two times the same mistake. 

Tennis is a sport quiet safe. Physically tough but safe.It’s not like motor bike or car racing. It’s in this sense, that i’ll encourage to have the courage to fail.

Most of the time we miss, because we don’t want to miss. It’s counter intuitive, but it’s the reality. Have you ever played a return of serve for serve during a tennis match ? How was your return ? Fantastic ? That’s the way… So if you remove the pressure with the result, all your attention, will be on the game, in your tennis level will improve.

“If you don’t want to fail, it means that you don’t want to learn”.

it’s similar, when you buy a lotto ticket : if you play, you cannot win ! The big difference, is that you can build and influence the result, compare to this example. You must accept to lose, in order to win. 

In this website, i’ll mainly encourage to step into action, because nothing replace the action. It’s the second step of the step by step method  [Click here to know more]

The end is the future start

As a result, Your feedback is very important. If you say to you “that it’s not possible” it’s not true !” as i hear often, you will keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. 

The end of your training or a end of something is a representation of your experience : Do you feel fulfilled, heavy, empty within you ?

The way that you will analyse that will influence directly the next practice. Be sure that you step back, to see the reality.

The process of learning is more than 80% of observation if you want to step into the right direction.

Take the time, to finish. Clean, before to leave.

A few years ago, i cleaned the barn of my parent’s house. It’s more than 25 years of stuff accumulated. I took four full afternoons to do it. At the end of each, i was aware to let the cleared for everyday’s use.

To clean and to organize, helped me to see clearer and to know what to do the next time. Few categories such as electric, gardening or even tools, were left aside because of their use at a specific spot in the room. 

It will be the same in your tennis game. You have different sections. Some you should associate and you be separated and everything must be clean.

Because when we play tennis tennis we don’t have to think. It’s our system that we build, that will allows us to move freely throughout our barn.

As a result, we figure out than we have some tools in double or triples. Just pick the most useful ones in order to have the best qualities tools.

Less is more

A thought is something which is not real right now. It’s something in the past (a memory) or something in the future. In both cases is a feeling or an illusion. To pay attention is different. And it’s what we need to improve when we play tennis.

The true belief that we build is the system (our environment) that we are setting up around us to facilitate the work. It includes the rules of working.

Through the website I will help you to become more conscious about the causes and the effects and to help you become thicker. At the same time, it will leads to know more about you.

At the end of the day, everyone is different and have way of processing and different needs. Some players need to do more, some need to do less. 

What are the things that are really important for you in tennis ?

How to put you in movement ?

How to transform knowledge into skills ?

Those questions seems to me really important rather than study the whole tennis book in order to master the game.

You don’t have to start from scratch.

Rather, start from you. If you do, something, there is a reason. You might not understand today, but the goal is to become more and more conscious.

Tennis is a sport of movement. So as soon as you consider things in a static way, you are heading into a wrong way. As you can notice, you play one day in a certain way and play differently an other day.

Your way of training will help you to prioritize your work. In this website i aimed to be focused on important things such as : Your body, your mind, your energy and your soul. In order to find the point which will be at the intersection of all. (Which is the sense of the logo). There are 3 parts at the moment, but i’ll do a fourth one.

I’ll share with you another vision of tennis in a more holistic way.

It will helps to know more about you and to transform your tennis journey in a “human journey”. Just by asking to yourself different questions.

As a result, tennis is a great lesson of life because you cannot skip the steps and you cannot be a different person on and off the court.

Your realization is the picture of your perception

So if you change your perception you will change your realization. (The way that you do), in order to become more responsible and more conscious about “the causes and the effects”.

The purpose of the method is to improve your generals skills, such as your focus and your self control, so that you can use to improve your game.

Your role is to keep an open mind in order to improve the relation between you and your game.

My role is to introduce to you what is really possible to do in order to stay in the present moment and to feel stress less when you play.

The key of success is to have an healthy practice and an healthy rest. I call that the “Fast/slow”. 

Those both rhythms are essential and permanent in tennis. It’s never linear.

I’ll introduce that later in the module 2 of the method step by step.

To chase the balance.

The goal is to constantly involve your mind, your body and your soul in order to find the balance between them. (This is the sense of the logo).

If you want to play “clean” you need some “clean thoughts” and an healthy body.

How play our best is a method which includes Physical skills, technical skills, mental skills and tactical skills at the same time, in order to chase this balance. If one part is missing, your game will be unbalanced and you will keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

I’d like to share with you some tools to become more conscious of your current level and other to re-balance your game and to gain in self confidence and to have more dare.

Even though you don’t have money, at least you have the time and the attention (love). Both are necessary (and are free) to buy new skills.

   The decision to train or not, is only your responsibility. 

To sum up :

  • How to identify your needs and to be focus on what you can really change ?
  • How to get over from distraction and to stay in the present moment ?
  • How to develop your natural positiveness and to remove unnecessary obstacles ?
  • How to chase the balance in order to keep improving ?

So welcome to, i hope this blog will help break the limits and to see clearer. Please have a look in the module 1of the method step by step and start your journey today !

Feel free to share with me your obstacles that you meet tennis. It will helps me to create a suitable program. So many thanks in advance for your engagement and your time.

If you loved, spread !
Mathieu Coulon

Published by
Mathieu Coulon

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